As you'll know, the first semester of school is coming to an end. The June Holidays are arriving! I can't wait for the June Holidays. However, as I look back on this first semester, I felt that it was filled with agony, happiness. There were many problems which I faced in my life of being a Secondary One student as well. When school reopened in term 1, I was seriously excited as I just became a Secondary One student and was in Hwa Chong Institution. On the first day, we were introduced to the various things we needed to note in Hwa Chong. We were also introduced to our various teachers teaching us the various subjects. I knew that it would definitely be a big jump from Primary 6 as the number of subjects has increased, our critical thinking skills must be improved, there are more complicating things to learn and our thinking must definitely be more matured as well.
Being a teenager, I must definitely have a more matured state of mind and not continue to have the thinking I used to have when I was in Primary 6. There are many more things we have to do as well, such as ACE projects, a project for the Project's Day Competition and CIP. At first, I found it very difficult to cope as my time management was not very good. However, now, I have adapted to the life in Hwa Chong better. Furthermore, when I was doing a project with some of my friends and classmates, we had some disputes and some quarrels. But after a while, we were able to resolve the matter and complete the project. In term 1 and a bit of term 2, I was actually also the Chairman of my class and had to lead the class. In term 1, my class did not too cad for their academics, clinching 2nd in the cohort. We were elated when this result was announced by our consortium director, Mr Sim during the consortium assembly. It was certainly an achievement very good for our class.
After a few days of school in the first term, we had to spend two afternoons visiting various CCA groups and decide which CCA we are interested in so that we can join that CCA. As all of you should know by now, it is compulsory for all Secondary school students to have a CCA. After the try-outs, we had to go for the trials for the various CCAs under our own initiative and decide which CCA we really want to join. I went for the squash trials, waterpolo trials and track and field trials. In the end, I found out that all three CCAs wanted to take me. However, when we were supposed to put down our choices, I put Track And Field as my first, Waterpolo as my second, and Squash as my third. When the results were posted on the notice board on the back of my class, I found out that I was taken into Track And Field and I became a thrower, throwing javelin. I was happy that I was taken by them, but the training was quite tough for me. However, after a while, I got used to it and even found out that other sports CCAs' training are much more tougher than what I am doing now. I was happy at my CCA and actually, there was a time when I was thinking of whether I should change to waterpolo or not. However, after much thinking and hesitation, I decided to remain in Track And Field.
In term 1, as I could not cope with the homework and tests, I was very stressed out and felt a little depressed. However, although I was stressed, I still managed to revise my subjects, getting A1s for all the subjects except for English. For English, I got a C5 and I tried to identify my mistakes, trying not to make the same mistakes again in the future. And really, I improved in this term, getting an A1 for the Animal Farm Literature test and a B3 for the Narrative Composition. However, my I got a B3 for my Geography test and a C5 for my History test. I wasn't too happy about it and will try to work even harder for next term's tests. In term 1, my MSG(Mean Subject Grade) was 1.67. My oral participation points were also not bad, getting 4 for two subjects and 3 for the rest. Tomorrow, I will be getting back my result slip for term 2, with my oral participation points, my ACE points and my MSG for term 2. Wonder what I will get... I am seriously very anxious and eager to know what I got so that I can see which areas I need to buck up.
Also, the June Holidays are arriving, with tomorrow being the last day of school. I am seriously excited. Although I hope to play during the holidays, I know that I must also not neglect my studies and revise as much as I can for the upcoming tests. I will do ACE projects and do some CIP as well. During the June Holidays, I will be having training as well, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Therefore, I will not be so free during the holidays. I will definitely try to use the time well so that I can do well for the upcoming tests and the End Of Year Examinations, which I will be hoping to do so.