Now, my school is currently taking the temperatures of students, making sure that they have no fever and are fit to attend school. My school has also reminded the students that if we have any flu symptoms or are sick, we are not to attend school. They have informed us many times, what the trigger temperature is. There was a time when my school also had to take the temperature of every parent who is entering the school compound such that the school is safe. They closed all the gates to enter the school except for one so that parents can only enter there and take their temperatures there. However, in the morning, there are too many cars entering the school compound as compared to after school as many students may have to stay back after school for their CCA or other personal matters. So, to facilitate the cars entering the school compound and to prevent the area outside my school from having a massive traffic jam, they decided not to take the temperatures of parents in the morning, but students can only alight at one particular block in the school. At that particular block, there will be a teacher there, asking the students if they feel unwell. This procedure is called visual screening. It had also been announced that if there was as much as one case of H1N1 flu in my school, there would be a suspension of school. I feel that my school has taken several measures to ensure the students' safety.
While my school is taking measures to fight against this flu now, other countries are also taking measures to combat against this flu. Hong Kong had confirmed its first case about a week ago. After the man was being suspected of the flu disease, he was immediately isolated. Metropark Hotel, where the man was at when he had the flu was closed and the hotel workers and guests were placed under quarantine. This is a measure to be taken to protect the flu from spreading to the rest of Hong Kong if one of the guests in the hotel has also contracted the H1N1 flu. Although the hotel workers and guests are unable to go home, I agree with this action being taken as it is for the safety of the other.
Police officers wearing masks to seal off
Metropark Hotel in Hong Kong, where first
confirmed swine flu victim was staying.

Courtesy of
The H1N1 flu might be very frightening to some of us, but if we maintain being hygienic, the odds of us contracting the disease will be much lower. Therefore, a piece of advice is that we should be hygienic, no matter when it is and lead a healthy lifestyle.
For the definition of what the H1N1 disease is all about, click here.
For more information on how Hong Kong deals with their first case of the H1N1 flu, click here.
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